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Alien. Dir. Ridley Scott. Perf. Sigourney Weaver. Twentieth-Century Fox, 1979. DVD.
Aliens. Dir. James Cameron. Perf. Sigourney Weaver. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, 1986. DVD.
The Cell. Dir. Tarsem Singh. Perf. Jennifer Lopez. New Line Cinema, 2000. DVD.
The Company of Wolves. Dir. Neil Jordan. By Angela Carter. Perf. Sarah Patterson. ITC/Palace, 1985. DVD.
Coraline. Dir. Henry Selick. By Neil Gaiman. Perf. Dakota Fanning. Focus Features, 2009. DVD.
The Descent. Dir. Neil Marshall. Perf. Shauna McDonald. Celador Films, 2006. DVD.
Dogma. Dir. Kevin Smith. Perf. Linda Fiorentino. Cinema Club, 1999. DVD.
The Hunger. Dir. Tony Scott. Perf. Catherine Deneuve, Susan Sarandon. MGM/UA Entertainment Co., 1983. DVD.
Labyrinth. Dir. Jim Henson. Perf. Jennifer Connelly. Henson Associates/Lucasfilm, 1986. DVD.
The Last Unicorn. Dir. Arthur Rankin and Jules Bass. Perf. Mia Farrow. Sunn Classic, 1982. DVD.
Legend. Dir. Ridley Scott. Perf. Mia Sara. Embassy International Pictures, 1985. DVD.
The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane. Dir. Nicolas Gessner. Perf. Jodie Foster. Carnelian Productions, 1976. DVD.
MirrorMask. Dir. Dave McKean. Perf. Stephanie Leonidas. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2006. DVD.
Pan’s Labyrinth. Dir. Guillermo Del Toro. Perf. Ivana Baquero. Picturehouse, 2006. DVD.
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Tideland. Dir. Terry Gilliam. Perf. Jodelle Ferland. Canada Saskatchewan Production Studios, 2005. DVD.
V for Vendetta. Dir. Andy Wachowski. By Lana Wachowski. Perf. Natalie Portman. Warner Bros., 2005.
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