Tag Archives: Weinbergsweg

Theme: Home — Rosenthaler Platz, Mitte, Berlin

Our apartment is in the former East German Mitte neighborhood. Our closest U-Bahn (subway) stop, Rosenthaler Platz, was a “ghost station” during the Cold War. This means that the trains from West Germany would pass through it, but could not stop, so for 30 years it was filled with barbed wire and barricades. It is mostly a “hipster” area, filled with fusion restaurants and juice bars. The enormous Circus Hostel and Hotel next door makes it a very international and youth oriented neighborhood.

Vlog: Vignettes

A few short videos of daily life in Berlin.

A short tour of our apartment

Our frustration with things not working right mounts.

We named the apartment “The Panopticon” because it is in a courtyard surrounded by taller buildings and we have no curtains on the windows. This was us waiting for the internet to be hooked up after a week with no form of communication.

Weinbergsweg, the street in front of our apartment.

Crossing Rosenthaler Platz, the intersection near our house.

Gallery: Volkspark am Weinbergsweg

Gallery: Weinbergsweg Apartment

We call our apartment “The Panopticon” because it has large front windows with no curtains that look out over a courtyard surrounded by tall apartment buildings.