Channels, Videos Watch “Beyond Creepy” on YouTube May 30, 2018 scarlett
Channels, Videos Watch “Slapped Ham” on YouTube May 30, 2018 scarlett
Channels, Stories, Videos Watch “Lazy Masquerade” on YouTube May 30, 2018 scarlett
Stories What is the most convincing video of supernatural “proof” you’ve found on the Internet? May 29, 2018 scarlett What is the most convincing video of supernatural “proof” you’ve found on the Internet? byu/schwins_cube inAskReddit
Stories Sailors of Reddit, what’s the weirdest/creepiest thing you’ve seen at sea? May 28, 2018 scarlett Sailors of Reddit, what’s the weirdest/creepiest thing you’ve seen at sea? byu/LordsAndLadies inAskReddit
Stories What’s a creepy or disturbing memory that you have that nobody else inexplicably seems to remember? May 28, 2018 scarlett What’s a creepy or disturbing memory that you have that nobody else inexplicably seems to remember? byu/AskingRealQuestions inAskReddit
Fiction What is the best horror story you can come up with in two sentences. May 28, 2018 scarlett What is the best horror story you can come up with in two sentences. by inAskReddit
Articles What is the creepiest/scariest/most disturbing wikipedia page you know of? May 28, 2018 scarlett What is the creepiest/scariest/most disturbing wikipedia page you know of? by inAskReddit
Stories What’s a story that you’ve heard that still gives you chills to this day? May 28, 2018 scarlett What’s a story that you’ve heard that still gives you chills to this day? byu/Mawhkf inAskReddit
Movies What are some “truecreepy” documentaries? May 28, 2018 scarlett What are some “truecreepy” documentaries? by intruecreepy