What is the best horror story you can come up with in two sentences.
Category Archives: Reading
What is the creepiest/scariest/most disturbing wikipedia page you know of?
What is the creepiest/scariest/most disturbing wikipedia page you know of?
Sailors of Reddit, what’s the weirdest/creepiest thing you’ve seen at sea?
Sailors of Reddit, what’s the weirdest/creepiest thing you’ve seen at sea?
You’ve found the world’s premier horror fiction podcast. Pseudopod brings you the best short horror in audio form, to take with you anywhere.
WARNING: This is a podcast of horror fiction. The stories presented here are intended to disturb. They are likely to contain death, graphic violence, explicit sex (including sexual violence), hate crimes, blasphemy, or other themes and images that hook deep into your psyche. We do not provide ratings or content warnings. We assume by your listening that you wish to be disturbed for your entertainment. If there are any themes that you cannot deal with in fiction, that are too strongly personal to you, please do not listen.
Pseudopod is for mature audiences only. Hardly any story on Pseudopod is suitable for children. We mean this very seriously.
Where is the scariest place on earth?
Where is the scariest place on earth?
The No-Sleep Podcast
The No-Sleep Podcast
This horror podcast is intended to frighten and disturb you. The stories herein may contain explicit language and graphic themes that are not suitable for people under the age of 16.
Carl Tanzler
Carl Tanzler, or sometimes Count Carl von Cosel (February 8, 1877 – July 3, 1952), was a German-born radiologic technologist at the United States Marine Hospital in Key West, Florida who developed a morbid obsession for a young Cuban-American tuberculosis patient, Elena Milagro “Helen” de Hoyos (July 31, 1909 – October 25, 1931), that carried on well after the disease had caused her death. In 1933, almost two years after her death, Tanzler removed Hoyos’s body from its tomb, and lived with the corpse at his home for seven years until its discovery by Hoyos’s relatives and authorities in 1940…
Law enforcement and detectives of reddit. Have you ever stumbled upon a case that was unexplainable? If so what were you’re thoughts/theories as to what happened and what was the final conclusion of the case?
Nightmare Magazine Podcast
Nightmare Magazine Podcast
Produced by Grammy and Audie award-winning narrator and producer Stefan Rudnicki, our podcast features audiobook-style recordings of two of the four stories we publish each month in Nightmare.
What’s a creepy or disturbing memory that you have that nobody else inexplicably seems to remember?
What’s a creepy or disturbing memory that you have that nobody else inexplicably seems to remember?