The Dionaea House
“It Happened to Me”
Fortean Times “It Happened to Me” forum
The Nightmare
As someone who has suffered from night terrors and nightmares her whole life, I can tell you this film was scarier than any horror movie I have ever seen. Serious Trigger Warning for anyone who is prone to such things.
What’s he building in there?
Stanford scientists turn seizures into music
I understand the scientific benefit of doing this, but WHY would you make it sound like this? They could have picked pleasant tones or piano sounds. Instead they made it sound like Iannis Xenakis covering the theme from The Shining.
‘Ghost ships’ filled with dead bodies found near Japan
Discovering Scarfolk
Discovering Scarfolk
Scarfolk is a town in North West England that did not progress beyond 1979. Instead, the entire decade of the 1970s loops ad infinitum. Here in Scarfolk, pagan rituals blend seamlessly with science; hauntology is a compulsory subject at school, and everyone must be in bed by 8pm because they are perpetually running a slight fever. “Visit Scarfolk today. Our number one priority is keeping rabies at bay.” For more information please reread.
Nightmares in the Horror Aisle
Nightmares in the Horror Aisle: Exploring the Movie Art That Traumatized You as a Child
Wyrd Britain
Wyrd Britain
Welcome to Wyrd Britain, a blog concerned with stories in, of, from and about the stranger places of Britain.
Stories that explore a Britain other than the one we think we know. A Britain where the ghosts are unquiet, where the woods are alive and where distinctions between the present, the future and the past are permeable.
The Enigma of Amigara Fault
The Enigma of Amigara Fault