All posts by scarlett

Theme: The War

The War is ever-present here, which should come as no surprise to most people. From monuments to memorials to concentration camps to bullet holes in the walls, the scars of battle, death, and tyranny are everywhere. One of the most moving symbols of the war are the “Stolpersteine”, or “stumbling stones”. They are small brass plates placed in the sidewalks among the cobblestones in front of houses and buildings with the names of Jewish people who had lived there before before being murdered by the Nazis.

They are everywhere.

Once you start to notice them, the magnitude of the Holocaust begins to come into focus. Entire families. Everywhere you walk. Where you buy your groceries. At the pharmacy on the corner. At the tram stop. Everywhere.

However, one of the saddest things I have seen is a photo of a dead German soldier, laying in the street during the Battle of Berlin.

A German soldier lies dead in the street as troops rush forward. Taken from The Daily Mail, copyright Getty Images.
A German soldier lies dead in the street as troops rush forward. Taken from The Daily Mail, copyright Getty Images.

Being here during the 71st anniversary of the turning point of the war has been an exercise in empathy. Perhaps because while I had considered the millions of Jews, Russians, Roma, LGBT, and other groups murdered by the Nazis, I hadn’t really though of the German people as victims before. Understanding that we have turned “German” in to “Nazi” and “Nazi” into “disposable fictional enemy” has made me understand better how easily we marginalize people we know nothing about. Learning about the people who opposed the Nazis and paid for it with their lives was eye opening. I suppose I knew on some level this was the case, but when you realize that the entire nation paid for the deeds of a powerful few, it breaks your heart. With everything going on in America right now you get a sense of the helplessness and rage so many Germans must have felt as the monsters took over their homeland.

I look at that dead young man and I don’t see a Nazi. I see a boy who, at this point in the war, was in all likelihood conscripted into serving on the threat of death. And now he’s gone, giving his life in a lost cause to feed the horrible dreams of a megalomaniacal  fascist state. Making anyone a caricature makes it easy to dehumanize them, easy to kill them, and easy to lose your own humanity in the process.

Theme: Ostalgie

“Ostalgie” is a term used to describe a nostalgic longing for the East German state and all of its trappings. Contrary to popular belief, while most East Germans were grateful to be intergrated into the West, it hasn’t been a smooth process and the struggle continues today. Former East Germans often feel that their culture and traditions were obliterated in favor of the capitalist West. Also, the East German states continue to be on average poorer and less prosperous than their Western counterparts. Symbols of the East are everywhere, from Trabant rental services to the growing presence of “Ampelmann”, the ubiquitous crosswalk guardian here in Berlin with his origins in the East.

Ampelmann, Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. AMPELMANN GmbH
Ampelmann, Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. AMPELMANN GmbH

As a child of the Cold War whose uncle was stationed in West Berlin for the better part of the late 70s-early 80s, I am intrigued by the fact that I am living in East Berlin. Our U-Bahn stop, Rosenthaler Platz, was a “ghost station”, where trains from the West would pass through but were unable to stop. The Wall is everywhere, and the meandering path was confusing for me until I remembered that West Berlin was a literal island. The prevalence of Vietnamese and Chinese restaurants in our neighborhood seems out of place, until I remember that these were allied nations with East German communist state. From the Soviet Brutalist architecture to the remnants of The Wall and the towering Fernsehturm, it has been exciting to finally be here and see the Forbidden City with my own eyes.

Theme: Food and Dining

Work Song: De Hamborger Veermaster

“De Hamborger Veermaster” (The Hamburg Four-Master) is a sea shanty from Northern Germany, sung in a combination of English and Hamburgisch Low German, or Platt Deutsch dialect. The song dates back to the late 19th century, but is still beloved by the people of Hamburg and the surrounding areas as a work song and a piece of their folk identity.

De Hamborger Veermaster
Ick heff mol een Hamborger Veermaster sehn,
To my hooday!
De Masten so scheef as den Schipper sien Been,
To my hoo day, hoo day, ho – ho – ho – ho!

Blow, boys, blow, for Californio,
There’s plenty of gold, so I am told,
On the banks of Sacramento

Dat Deck weer vull Isen, vull Dreck un vull Smeer.
To my hooday!
„Rein Schipp“ weer den Oll’n sin scheunstes Pläseer.
To my hoo day, hoo day, ho – ho – ho – ho!

De Kombüs weer vull Lüüs, de Kajüt weer vull Schiet,
To my hooday!
De Beschüten, de leupen von sülvens all wiet.
To my hoo day, hoo day, ho – ho – ho – ho!

Dat Soltfleesch weer greun, un de Speck wör vull Modn.
To my hooday!
Un Köm geef dat blots an Wiehnachtsobend.
To my hoo day, hoo day, ho – ho – ho – ho!

Un wulln wi mol seiln, ick sech ji dat nur,
To my hooday!
Denn lööp he dree vorut un veer wedder retur.
To my hoo day, hoo day, ho – ho – ho – ho!

Un as dat Schipp, so weer ok de Kaptein,
To my hooday!
De Lüüd för dat Schipp, de weern ok blots schangheit.
To my hoo day, hoo day, ho – ho – ho – ho!

English Translation
I once saw a four-master from Hamburg.
To my hooday!
Her masts were as crooked as the skipper’s legs.
To my hoo day, hoo day, ho – ho – ho – ho!

Blow, boys, blow, for Californio,
There’s plenty of gold, so I am told,
On the banks of Sacramento

The deck was full of iron, dirt and grease.
To my hooday!
´Clean the ship´ was the captain’s most beautiful joy.
To my hoo day, hoo day, ho – ho – ho – ho!

The galley was full of lice, the cabin was full of shit.
To my hooday!
The biscuits walked away all by themselves.
To my hoo day, hoo day, ho – ho – ho – ho!

The salted meat was green, the bacon was full of maggots
To my hooday!
Snaps was only there at Christmas Eve.
To my hoo day, hoo day, ho – ho – ho – ho!

And if we wanted to sail, I merely say,
To my hooday!
She moved three footages ahead and four back again.
To my hoo day, hoo day, ho – ho – ho – ho!

And like the ship, so the captain was,
To my hooday!
The men for the ship were all shanghaied.
To my hoo day, hoo day, ho – ho – ho – ho!